Saturday, July 4, 2009

Working on Edgar's...

I remain super confused as to when we are supposed to mail again. I admit I have been confused since Shelley dropped out and I had already stitched hers - then suddenly it was like I was behind.... so please bear with me. I have Edgar's and it is on my QSnaps and evolving so nicely. It will go home to him fairly soon - I chose something very dense to stitch. I have had to take on a huge new work project, and have been in NH only 8 days in June... July looks ultra busy but better. I should be able to work steady on his and get it home to him in a snap!

Any news at all on my RR? I checked in a while ago, but I don't think whoever has it answered back...

~ Carol


DaisyGirl said...

Hi Carol, I have your's and it's getting ready to go to Ulla. Hope you are having a safe 4th.

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween!!! I always loved going trick or treating, until one Halloween night I was at a party and my friends kept asking me to smoke this weed joint thing. I didn't want to, but I finally gave in. I always knew better then to mess with that. My mom always told me if she caught me messing with that kinda stuff she'd kick my behind. Well she found out kicked my behind and I left. I started more intense drugs like, speed, heroin, crack cocaine, and all that stuff. I'm currently working on getting my life straightened out at Narconon.